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The Palestinian Authority and the Communist Party of Israel are traitors and enemies of the Palestinian people

Alavanca - Marxist-Leninist Movement

The Palestinian Authority attacks fighters of armed Palestinian resistance groups with armed men from its police forces. It arrests these fighters and delivers them to Israeli prisons where the Palestinians are brutally raped, tortured and murdered. In these attacks, the Palestinian Authority has also destroyed the homes of Palestinian families accused of having members of the Palestinian resistance.

The Communist Party of Israel advocates population exchange between the Zionist Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the Palestinian citizens living within the borders of what is called Israel or pre-1948 Palestine. This is putting terrorists, such as armed civilians in the settlements who terrorize and kill Palestinians in the West Bank in order to steal their homes and land and expand the settlements, on an equal footing with the Palestinian victims who live within the borders of the racist Israeli regime. This is also advocated by a sector of the Israeli far right. We saw this position of the Communist Party of Israel in a podcast by Middle East Eye in which a member of the leadership of the Communist Party of Israel, Ofer Cassif, was interviewed.

And what the Palestinian Authority and the Communist Party of Israel have in common is that they both defend and glorify the Oslo Accords that led to the creation of a system of apartheid in the West Bank and a fenced-off concentration camp in the Gaza Strip, and which obviously paved the way for genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. This genocide is what we are already seeing in Gaza and what we are now beginning to see in the West Bank. Israel's goal, as set out in the Oslo Accords, is to kill or deport to neighboring Arab countries all Palestinians from the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967. And the neighboring Arab countries will also be invaded and occupied by Israel in the future, continuing the genocide, as we are already seeing in Lebanon and Syria.

Therefore, the Palestinian Authority and the Communist Party of Israel are collaborators in the genocide against the Palestinian people and instruments of the racist ideology of Zionism. In particular, the Communist Party of Israel is a party that hypocritically talks about peace between Israelis and Palestinians but defends the racist theses of expelling Palestinians within Israel's borders under the pretext of population exchange. The Palestinian Authority and the Communist Party of Israel support the genocide and racism of the Israelis against the Palestinians.

Middle East Eye podcast interviewing Israeli Communist Party leader Ofer Cassif



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