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Why we support the one-state solution for Jews and Palestinian Arabs in Palestine and in the Zionist entity called Israel

Why we support the one-state solution for Jews and Palestinian Arabs in Palestine and in the Zionist entity called Israel

We are communists of the Marxist-Leninist Movement Alavanca (Lever). And from this communist point of view we will explain our reasons for defending the one-state solution for Palestine with Jews and Arabs in the context of the national liberation struggle in Palestine that we consider inseparable from the socialist revolution in Palestine and in the world that is our strategic objective.

Historical reasons from the past: The fair assessment of the two-state solution for Jews and Palestinian Arabs is that this solution has repeatedly and systematically failed since the creation of the so-called State of Israel in 1948. In 1947 the Soviet Union prepared a plan, which also had the support of the United States and the capitalist countries of Western Europe, to divide Palestine in half between Jews and Palestinian Arabs. In 1948, Zionist Jews created Israel by killing and deporting Palestinians, committing the first genocide against Palestinian Arabs, and the Zionists violated the 1947 UN partition plan for Palestine by taking not the agreed 50% of Palestine but 80%, the remaining 20% ​​being the lands we know as Palestine today, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In 1967, Israel invaded and occupied the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, as well as territory from Syria, Lebanon and Egypt, all of which remains to this day except for Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, which was returned to Egypt, although with conditional sovereignty by Israel (and Egypt became an Israeli-controlled regime). Once again in 1967, with the occupation of Palestine by Israel, from the river to the sea, and beyond with the occupation of the borders of neighboring countries, the two-state solution was destroyed by Israel and until then this solution had never been officially accepted by anyone among the Palestinians and neighboring Arab countries. In practice since 1967, Israel, if we consider the Zionist entity as a country, has existed from the river to the sea and what exists in terms of Palestinian self-government is a kind of autonomy in ghettos, Bantustans, concentration camps occupied by Zionist troops whose objective is to exterminate or deport the entire Palestinian Arab people. This idea of ​​Palestinian autonomy was then developed to the point of its failure from the point of view of the two-state solution with the Oslo Accords in 1992, this plan that created the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Gaza was supposed to be a gradual path towards the creation of two states but in fact became the opposite, a gradual path towards the officialization of Israel's borders from the river to the sea through the expansion of Israeli settlements in these territories that continues to this day (despite facing much more resistance in Gaza, where Palestinian forces reject with greater force the Oslo Accords and the betrayal and collaborationism of Fatah/PLO/PA with Israel).

Reasons for the reality on the ground today: The reality on the ground today in what are considered to be the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel according to the two-state solution (borders until 1967, West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza) is that since 1967 these territories have in practice been part of the borders of the so-called State of Israel, with its occupying troops, checkpoints and settlements being expanded with Zionist civilians armed with machine guns. The reality on the ground today in Israel and Palestine is that historical experience has repeatedly proven that the two-state solution was wrong from the beginning, since the 1947 partition plan, supported by the Soviet Union, and the disastrous outcome of the partition proposal with the creation of Israel in 1948 on 80% of Palestine and not the 50% envisaged in the partition plan. Since that date in 1948, the Soviet Union and not only the communist movement but also the entire left in the world have realized that the Zionist regime is to blame for the fact that there are not two states, because Israel, unlike the Palestinian Arab forces, accepted the partition and used this acceptance to violate it and expand more and more, stealing land from the Palestinians in a genocidal manner. Israel lies in all the peace agreements and ceasefires it makes, and the Palestinians, whether in peace agreements or in the revolutionary resistance against Israel, speak out about what they do and are consistent with the principles of peace, equality, justice and national liberation. The logical conclusion from historical experience and the current situation is that Israel is not a nation but a fascist and racist regime following the genocidal and supremacist ideology of Zionism and so, in order to have peace and equality between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in historic Palestine from the river to the sea, it is necessary to overthrow this genocidal Zionist regime of Israel and this is a struggle in which the Palestinians are on the front line and in which historical experience shows the backwardness and crypto-racist paternalism of even left-wing Israeli Jews. The Palestinians have all the legitimacy in the world to overthrow the Zionist regime of Israel and create a single state for all, Jews and Palestinians, called Palestine. This is a very similar story to the struggle of black South Africans against the white supremacist Apartheid regime, despite the heroic exceptions of white South Africans who fought side by side with blacks, these people were just exceptions in a white South African population with the long-term disease of white supremacist racism, and the same is true today of the so-called Israeli Jews who suffer from the disease of Synonism and Jewish supremacism also despite very few exceptions of anti-Zionist Israeli Jews - and even these rarely advocate armed resistance as much as the exceptional anti-racist white South Africans did. A Palestine of equality and justice for all from the river to the sea will be the work of the Palestinian working people, of all the Palestinian people from the river to the sea and also of the Palestinian refugees from the neighbouring countries, with the help of the solidarity resistance of the neighbouring Arab peoples (like the resistance heroes of Lebanon and Syria). Another criticism we would like to make of the two-state solution is that this proposal has always included a Palestinian state in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem, as well as the return of the Palestinian refugees from 1948 to within the borders of Israel. We note the enormous contradiction between this Palestinian state limited to the territory from 1948 to 1967 and the possibility that the Zionist Apartheid regime could accept the return of the Palestinian refugees to Israel when it is already killing and deporting the 2 million Palestinians living inside Israel who were not deported in 1948 and managed to stay. This hypothesis of combining the Palestinian state with the return of the Palestinian refugees can only mean in practice the acceptance of Apartheid within Israel and a false promise of a return negotiated with the Zionists that will never be implemented. The hypocrisy of this proposal is revealed by the recent statement by a leader of the Communist Party of Israel on a "Middle East Eye" podcast that the return of Palestinian refugees to Israel should be negotiated in parallel with the possibility of the 750,000 Zionists in settlements spreading terror in the West Bank being able to remain within the West Bank. This means equating Zionist terrorist militias with the Palestinian victims of the genocide that created Israel in 1948 who live in neighboring countries and thereby justifying that in order for the terrorist Zionists to leave the West Bank, the Palestinian victims of Israel's genocidal terror can abandon their right to return to the 1948 borders.The Communist Party of Israel is a good example of the failure and hypocrisy of the two-state solution, which equates the genocidaires with their victims, and the failure of the Jewish left in Israel, even though it falsely declares itself anti-Zionist.

Comparisons with other exceptional cases: If it were possible for an independent State of Palestine to live alongside a State with a Jewish majority, then this declaredly Jewish State, Israel, would not have been trying to exterminate and deport all Palestinians from the river to the sea since 1948. In the international communist movement, we know of exceptional moments in which a socialist State governed by communists legitimately invaded another country to put an end to the expansionism and war beyond the borders of a genocidal regime. This happened when the Soviet Union invaded Nazi Germany (going as far as Berlin) and when socialist Vietnam invaded Cambodia (of the fascist-Maoist, falsely seen as communist, Khmer Rouge party). In the two cases we have mentioned, the invasion of the USSR and Vietnam by other countries was not merely about the outcome and development of a war, but rather, we insist on this point, the need to put an end to a genocide and ensure the survival of several peoples. We do not accept the logic of some comrades who are caught up in a bureaucratic viewpoint that only communist-governed states can act in this way. These comrades separate our communist banner from the working class and the working people we are supposed to defend. Fighting against any genocide, whether or not there are communist forces dominating the resistance, is not sentimentalism but an essential part of the class struggle and the struggle for the proletarian revolution. Logically, only a people who manage to survive and avoid being exterminated can fight for the revolution, and fighting against genocide means preventing the capitalist classes from imposing their will through terror. There can be no peace and justice and a Palestinian state without implementing and respecting the right of Palestinian refugees in neighboring Arab countries to return to historic Palestine, now called Israel. This is a fundamental reason why we advocate a one-state solution for Palestinian Jews and Arabs called Palestine from the River to the Sea.

There is no genocide in the modern world without fascism, there is no Apartheid in the modern world without fascism. Zionism is a fascist ideology that can only be compared to Nazism, and the genocide in Gaza and Lebanon (which is similar to the Holocaust created by the Nazis) is proof of the fascist character of Zionism. We do not accept that the context of the struggle within Israel can be seen as a mere bourgeois democracy, which presupposes accepting the powerlessness of 2 million Palestinians living within the supposed official borders of Israel. We do not accept that the struggle against capitalism in Israel is merely subordinated to the idea of ​​Jewish supremacism in which 2 million Palestinians within Israel must be subjected to an internal struggle between Jews, who are the only ones with real political rights and full citizens within Israel. And on top of that, at the same time, 750,000 Zionists from the West Bank settlements can vote and have full rights within Israel, while the Palestinians in the West Bank and within Israel's borders live within a context of segregation and cannot vote or exercise any rights either in Israel or in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967. The struggle for socialism in Israel is not an internal struggle of Jewish citizens, nor is it a struggle within the false concept of Israeli citizenship that denies the reality of the segregation of Palestinians. Israel is not a country; Israel is the most genocidal, terrorist and racist regime since the time of Nazi Germany. Accepting the continued existence of Israel in the future does not mean coexisting with Jewish citizens living in these borders, but rather accepting a racist and ultra-reactionary regime. The Jews today called Israelis, within the Zionist entity, who rightly want to live in peace and equality with the Palestinians, must completely reject the existence of a racist, Jewish supremacist state and reject the very name Israel for a state in Palestine because the name Israel is today bathed in the blood of a racist project that is almost a century old.


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